4 Signs Your Garage Door Needs To Be Fixed

When it comes to the exterior of your home, a garage door is one of the single biggest investments you can make. It is important to know when it needs to be fixed so that permanent damage can be avoided. Below is a convenient list of four signs you should look and listen for each time you drive in and out of your garage.

Delayed Response

A delayed opening response can sometimes be attributed to something completely benign: you may have accidentally programmed a slower speed on the door's settings when it was first installed, for example. But in many other instances, a delayed response could be a sign of something more serious. Lack of lubrication is a common culprit, as is a slight misalignment.

Increased Air Flow

Sometimes, the signs that a garage door needs to be fixed are easier felt than seen. This is the case when a garage door nearly closes all the way, leaving an almost imperceptibly small gap between the driveway and the door. This gap, however, can easily let hot air escape. During the winter months, this can result in a significantly cooler garage and a significantly higher heating bill.

Loud Rattling

Sound is just one more thing you will want to pay attention to if you want to effectively spot signs of the need for garage door repair. One of the most common sounds is that of particularly loud rattling, which can usually be attributed to a loose chain drive or other loose components. It is important to remember, however, that attempting to tighten nuts and bolts on a door's spring system is extremely unsafe due to the high tension the springs possess.


If you tend to rush in and out of your garage each day, it may be a while before you notice that the door itself is not completely level. Possible reasons for an uneven garage door include sagging cables or problems with the spring tension, both of which should only be examined and repaired by a professional who specializes in residential garage repair. 

While garage doors are simple to operate, they rely on a complex combination of mechanisms. If you see or hear any of the above signs, don't hope and wait for the issue to resolve itself. Instead, take the appropriate steps to fix the problem before the door ceases to function altogether.

For more information about garage door repair, contact a local company.

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About Me

Learning All About Garage Doors Hello. My name is Conner Justine. Welcome to my website. After years of owning my home, my garage doors finally gave up trying and were in dire need of replacement. They lasted for eons with regular maintenance and repairs, but it was well past time for new garage doors. So, we started that journey, taking the time to learn all we could before buying and installing our garage door. To keep that knowledge from going to waste, I decided to make this site and share that information with you all. Please feel free to stop on by anytime you need to learn more about garage doors.
